Ko wai te kaiako o te Akomanga 23?

Ngā Tui o te Akomanga 23
Mā whero, mā pango ka oti te mahi
With red and black the work will be completed
By working as a collective we will succeed

Ko Tainui, ko Ngātokimatawhaurua ngā waka.
Ko Ngā Puhi o te waka o Tainui, ko Pouerua ngā maunga.
Ko Waimiha, ko Waitangi ngā awa.
Ko Te Ihingarangi, ko Ngāti Kawa ngā whare tūpuna
He mokopuna tēnei nō ngā iwi o Ngāti Te Ihingarangi-Rereahu me Ngā Puhi nui tonu.

 Ko Hoani Rehu rātou ko Poppy Paiana Campbell, ko Rameka Yorke, Ko Ngā Roimata Brown, Ko Theresa Bristow ōku tupuna mātua
Ko Don Rehu rāua ko Christina Yorke ōku mātua.
Ko Anaru Perenara tōku hoa rangatira, nō Ngāti Rangitihi.
Ko Pechez, ko Hoani rātou ko Tara Lilly ā māua tamariki.
Ko Camille Perenara tōku ingoa.

Tēnā rawa atu ki a koutou e te whānau,
Nōku te hōnore ka tu au hei kaiako mo ā koutou tamariki. It is my privilege to be the kaiako in Room 23 - te akomanga o nga Tui and a part of Te Whanau Awhina and the Clendon Park School whanau.
As a relatively new kaiako in my second year of teaching and here in Te Whānau Āwhina I have learnt a lot in the past year and I’m eager to learn alongside you tamariki this year.
What your child will be learning while in Room 23
      PĀNGARAU – Our focus will be on Number and Strategy Knowledge. This will be taught in both te reo Māori me ōna tikanga and English. We will be focusing on the fundamentals of math. In the following link you can find out how to help your child at home. http://nzmaths.co.nz/families

·        TUHITUHI/ PĀNUI/ KŌRERO – Reading, Writing and Speaking will also be taught through te reo Māori me ōna tikanga. We will explore different genres of text and learn why we use those genres for specific tasks.

·    PŪTAIAO/ TIKANGA-Ā-IWI/ NGĀ TOI/ HANGARAU – Science, Social Studies, Arts and Technology will be integrated into our learning areas enabling tamariki to explore these areas while continuing to develop the core curriculum areas.

Ngā ūara - Values
·      AROHA (love) - Respect for each other, those of other cultures and our surrounding environments. This will be achieved through learning about themselves, friends, whanau, tūpuna, our classroom, school and community. Understanding and respecting our cultural beliefs alongside other cultures and their beliefs.
·       Whakapono (belief and trust) – What whakapono looks like within and outside the classroom. This will be achieved through creating a safe and inviting learning environment where tamariki believe and are honest to themselves and each other.
·    Tumanako (desire, hope,wish) – Be driven in their learning, motivated to strive to their greatest potential with the support of the Tui whanau around them. We will achieve these hopes through goal setting, planning our steps and praising successes.

Please pop into our blog site to see what our class has been learning - http://akomanga23.blog.com/ Please feel free to come and see what we are learning before 8.55am, however, if you would like to meet with me please make an appointment with the office.

Nāku nei

Whāea Camille

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